Foundation Proposals

The SPARKS Foundation has a purpose. The DAO can guide the Foundation to extend trust, issue grants or make changes in support of that purpose. That guidance, is given via proposal resolution. Whenever making high-impact decisions a snapshot resolution is usually required.

Some examples of Foundation Proposals can include:

  • DAO wants to modify Foundation's structure, signers, constitution.

  • DAO wants extended trust for members to form a guild or speak at events.

  • Contributors are seeking grants for efforts in support of the purpose.

  • DAO wants to change the strategic direction of the Identity Core.

  • etc...

To become a snapshot proposal, a proposal must first go through the Discord #foundation-proposal forum. The forum is used to validate proposals that intend to become a snapshot. Proposals can move to snapshot once the details are solidified and enough interest has been reached.

If you have a concept but aren't ready to post, simply start a conversation in #open-discussion. [coming soon] instructions on snapshot voting process

Last updated